Double Six Dice Game

2-diceIn this challenge, we will use a step by step approach to create a 2-player dice game with the following rules:

  • The first player rolls a pair of dice, and keeps rolling the dice again and again, until they roll a double six.
  • It is then the turn of the the second player. They too will roll the dice and keep doing so until they roll a double six.
  • The winner of the game is the user who rolled a double six in the smaller number of attempts.
  • The game ends on a draw if both players used the same number of attempts to roll a double six.

Python Code

So let’s tackle this Python challenge one step at a time… You will need to type your code in the code window below, using the step by step checklist provided underneath the code window.

Step by Step Checklist!

Step 1: Displaying a welcome banner

    Write some Python code using the print command to display to display a nice banner with the title of the game: “Double Six Dice Game”. Your banner could look like this:

    |                          |
    |   Double Six Dice Game   |

Step 2: Retrieving the name of the first player

    Use an input command to ask for the first player to enter their name. Store this name in a variable called player1. You will have to use this variable later on, at the end of the game to display the name of the winner of the game.
Step 3: Throwing the first dice…

    Use the randint function from the random library to generate and output a random number between 1 and 6 for the first dice. Store this randomly generated number in a variable called dice1.

    Here is the Python code to generate a random number from 1 to 10:

    import random
Step 4: Throwing the second dice…

    Re-use the code from step 3 to generate and output a second random number between 1 and 6. Store this randomly generated number in a variable called dice2.
Step 5: Carry on throwing the dice until a double six is rolled.

    You will now need to use a while loop, to repeat steps 3 and 4 for as long as player 1 doesn’t throw a double six.
Step 6: Counting the number of throws.

    Add a counter using a variable called counter1 to count the number of attempts/throws of the two dice. You will need to:

    • Initialise your counter1 variable at the start of the game to 0.
    • Increment your counter1 variable by 1 after each throw of the two dice.
    • Output the total number of attempts once a double six has been rolled.
Step 7: Player 2’s turn…

    Repeat steps 2 to 6 for player 2!
Step 8: Deciding who wins the game!

    Compare the counter of both players to display the appropriate message to end the game:

    • Player 1 wins if they have had less attempts than player 2.
    • Player 2 wins if they have had less attempts than player 1.
    • The game ends on a draw if both players have had exactly the same number of attempts to roll a double six.


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