Python Turtle – Iteration

Let’s Recap

In our previous challenge, we looked at using sequencing to write a program using Python Turtle to complete a drawing.

Remember when using Python Turtle, the most useful instrcutions are as follows:

  • myPen.color(“red”)
  • myPen.forward(100)
  • myPen.right(90)
  • myPen.left(45)
  • myPen.penup()
  • myPen.pendown()
  • myPen.goto(0,0)

Learning Objectives:

In this challenge we are going to use for loops to repeat a set of instructions many times. This is called iteration.

We are also going to look at nested loops. (A loop within a loop)


By using a loop you can repeat a set of instructions many times. This is called iteration.
Look at the following scripts: Can you create your own script using iteration?

Iteration Example 1: (Star)

Iteration Example 2: (Flower)

Iteration Example 3: (Using nested loops)

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