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Python IDE Dashboard
Author: Administrator

The Lost Roman Sundial

Roman Britain was a period of nearly 400 years between AD 43 to AD 410 when large parts of Great Britain were under occupation by the Roman Empire. During this period, the Romans built roads and architectural structures that can

Art Expo – Code Breaking Challenge

The most prestigious art exhibition is about to start at Tate Modern, London, UK. For the purpose of this exhibition, paintings from all over the world have been securely transported to London using a state of the art protection system

Understanding Binary Data

01101001 0 and 255 65,535 binary data 8 bits bits odd least significant text files transistor 511 even Byte most significant The key electronic component that you will find in any computer system is called a . The CPU of

Work Life Balance (HTML, CSS & JS Challenge)

When your browser displays a webpage on screen it uses 3 different programming languages called HTML, CSS and JavaScript. We call the combination of these three languages “client-side web technologies”. Each of the three language has its own syntax and

The Birthday Paradox

The birthday paradox is based on a counter-intuitive fact that in any class of 23 students or more, there is a higher probability of having at least two students sharing the same bithday. Considering that there are 366 different possible

Elastic Collision in a Pool Game

A range of video games use elastic collision formulas to predict the change of velocity of two objects when a collision occurs. Elastic collision occurs when two objects are colliding and the total kinetic energy of the two objects remains

The Monty Hall Problem

The Monty Hall problem is a counter-intuitive brain teaser based on probabilities. This puzzle is named after Monty Hall, the TV presenter of “Let’s Make a Deal”, an American TV show (known as “Deal or No Deal” in the UK)

Denary to Binary Conversion Algorithm

In this challenge, we are going to write al algorithm to convert a decimal (aka Denary) number between 0 and 255 into binary using 1 Byte (=8 bits). Before attempting this challenge you may practise your denary to binary conversion:

Software Crosswords

A computer system consists of both hardware (the physical components of the computer) and software: the programs that run on this hardware. There are three main categories of software: Operating Systems: software that controls the computer hardware: The operating system

Short Path Algorithm Practice

Before completing this task, you will need to familiarise yourself with the following 2 algorithms used to find the shortest path between two nodes of a weighted graph: Dijkstra’s Short Path Algorithm A* Algorithm Dijkstra’s Short Path Algorithm For each