Replacing a light bulb may not be as straight forward as it used to be. Nowadays there are many different types of light bulbs to choose from, including incandescent bulbs, halogen bulbs, fluorescent bulbs and so many different types of…
For this challenge, we are going to write a function to calculate the digit sum of a given number. The digit sum of a number corresponds to the sum of all the digits of this number. For instance the digit…
The aim of this challenge is to rewrite the upper() function that is used in Python to convert the case of a string to uppercase. This is how the upper() function works in Python: string = "Hello world!" upString =…
The aim of this challenge is to write a program using LMC to list all the factors of a given number. The program will: Ask the user to enter a positive number (e.g. 12) Display all the factors of this…
To complete this puzzle, we first need to investigate the following lines of code: a = "chips" b = "fish" print(a + " and " + b) What would be the output of this code if you executed it? Your…
Cryptography, or cryptology is the practice and study of techniques for secure communication. Cryptography relies on using more or less complex encryption algorithms to encode a readable message (plaintext) into a collection of characters (ciphertext) that is hard to decipher…
In this Python challenge, we are going to investigate how to manipulate dates in Python using the datetime library. The aim of this challenge is to write a piece of code to control the Time Machine (aka Flux Capacitor) found…
In mountaineering, running or cycling the cumulative elevation gain (aka total ascent) refers to the sum of every gain in elevation throughout an entire trip. Note that when calculating this elevation gain, elevation losses are not counted in this measure.…
In this challenge we are going to use an easy hack to quickly compare two fractions without having to calculate their decimal value. For instance, can you quickly tell which of the following two fractions is bigger? Fraction Hack: The…
The mesh network puzzle consists of creating a partial mesh network that consists of: Three workstations (client computers) Three servers: a file server, an e-mail server and a web server. Network Requirements Each client computer will need to be connected…