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Author: Administrator

OCR J277/01 – 1.4 Network security

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OCR J277/01 – 1.3 Computer networks

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OCR J277/01 – 1.2 Memory and Storage

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OCR J277/01 – 1.1 System Architecture

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Embedded Systems in a Smart World

In our modern world, we are surrounded by technology and more and more every day objects now include built-in some computer system. Such objects are called embedded systems and we can define an embedded system as follows: As opposed to

Computer Science – Cryptic Crossword #01

The first cryptic crosswords originated from the United Kingdom and appeared in the mid 1920’s. A cryptic crossword is a type of crossword puzzle in which each clue is a word puzzle including anagrams, acronyms, synonyms, homophones and other wordplays.

Big O Notation – Quiz

Before completing this quiz, we invite you to revisit the main Big O Notations used to describe the time complexity and space complexity of an algorithm.. The main Big O Notations this quiz will focus on are: Take the Quiz!

Reserved Keywords of the Python Language

If you have reached this page, you have probably already started to learn to code using a high-level programming language such as Python, JavaScript, C, php or Ruby. But what does “learning a new programming language” involve? Learning a programming

101 Binary Watch

A binary watch uses 18 LEDs to give the HH:MM:SS time using three binary numbers each consisting of 6 bits. The following diagram can help you understand how to work out the time displayed on a binary watch: Using the

The FDE Cycle… In your own words

Before completing this task, you will need to revisit the main characteristics of the Von Neumann Processor Architecture. You task is to write a description in your books or on the space provided below to describe, in your own words,