Comparison Operators using Logic Gates

This set of challenges is designed to be completed with a logic board such as the Logic & Arithmetic board designed by the University of Southampton and the UK Electronic Skills Foundation.

Alternatively, if you do not have access to a physical kit, you can still complete these challenges using our online logic gates circuit simulator.

J==K? Comparing if two inputs are equal

The following diagram is used to compare if two inputs are the same. The output (X) should be on if both inputs J and K are set to O or both inputs are set to 1. This circuit is used to implement the comparison operator == (“is equal to”).


Truth Table:

Input J Input K Output X
0 0
0 1
1 0
1 1

J<K? Less than operator

The following diagram is used to compare if input J is strictly lower than input K. The output (X) should be on if so (e.g. when J = 0 and K = 1). This circuit is used to implement the comparison operator < (“is less than”).


Truth Table:

Input J Input K Output X
0 0
0 1
1 0
1 1

J>K? Greater than operator

The following diagram is used to compare if input J is strictly greater than input K. The output (X) should be on if so (e.g. when J = 1 and K = 0). This circuit is used to implement the comparison operator > (“is greater than”).


Truth Table:

Input J Input K Output X
0 0
0 1
1 0
1 1

1-bit magnitude comparator

By combining all three logic gates circuits into one, we can create a 1-bit magnitude comparator that takes two inputs (J and K) and produces three outputs:

  • X = (J < K)
  • Y = (J == K)
  • Z = (J > K)

Here is the logic gates diagram for this comparator. You can recreate this circuit and test it on your logic board.

Truth Table:

Input J Input K Output X
J < K ?
Output Y
J == K ?
Output Z
J > K ?
0 0
0 1
1 0
1 1

Extension Task: !=, <= and >= Comparison Operators

How could you combine and tweak the above diagrams to create logic gates circuits to implement the following comparison operators:

  • “is not equal to” (e.g. J != K)
  • “is lower than or equal to” (e.g. J <= K)
  • “is greater than or equal to” (e.g. J >= K).

Design your circuits, then recreate them and test them on the logic board to see if they “behave” as you would expect!

Find out more…

You can find out more about binary comparators on the following pages:

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