Hair & Beauty Salon – Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

“Stylish” is a Hair & Beauty Salon offering a wide range of hair & beauty treatments to customers. They currently employ five hair stylists and three beauticians. They currently use a notebook to record all their information such as customer contact details, appointments, treatments to be performed and payments.

They would like a new IT system to optimise their booking systems and keep track of payments so that they can renumerate their employees accordingly based on the treatments they completed.

They would like the new system to allow staff to:

  • Record customers’ contact details, so that existing customers do not have to provide their details every time they book an appointment.
  • Record dates and times of appointments and for each appointment, record the list of services/treatments being booked and for each treatment record the name of the employee who will be performing the treatment.
  • Calculate and store the total cost of the treatments booked and store this information with the appointment details alongside a status field to indicate whether the appointment has been paid or not.

Your task is to review the requirements of this Hair & Beauty Salon in order to design the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) for this system.

For more information about relational databases and Entity Relationship Diagrams, visit the following pages:

Use our online ERD tool to design the Entity Relationship Diagram for this salon. Note that you have not been given all pieces of information to store about the employees, customers, appointments, bookings, treatments and payments so you will have to decide of the most relevant fields to include on your ERD.

Design Your ERD Online


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