Computers hardware consists of all the components that you will find inside the computer (Motherboard, CPU, RAM, graphic card, sound card, network card, etc.) as well as all the peripherals/devices than you can plug to a computer.
Peripherals are often categorised into three types:
- Input Devices,
- Output Devices,
- Storage Devices.
Input Devices | Output Devices | Storage Devices |
MouseKeyboardMicrophoneWebcamScannerBarcode ReaderSensorsChip & Pin Card ReaderMagnetic Stripe Card ReaderTouchpadGame ControllerJoystick | ScreenProjectorSpeakersHeadphonesPrinterActuatorsLED | Magnetic Hard driveSSD Hard driveUSB KeyCD DriveDVD DriveSD Card Reader |
Coding Challenge #1
Your challenge consists of creating a quiz that will randomly pick and display a peripheral and ask the end-user to decide whether the device is an input device, storage device or output device.
The user should score 10 points per correct answer. The game should carry on as long as the user is giving a correct answer.
Video Tutorial
Coding Challenge #2: The odd one out
Adapt your quiz so that it displays 4 devices on screen: 3 devices from the same category (e.g. 3 input devices) and 1 device from another category (e.g. storage device). All 4 devices should be displayed in a random order.
The user is then asked to identify the “odd one out”. The user should score 10 points per correct answer. The game should carry on as long as the user is giving a correct answer.
e.g. Which device is the odd one out?

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