In this challenge we will write a Python program to help us find out hold we will be in the coming years! We have designed the algorithm of our program using both a Flowchart and Pseudocode.

year = 2017 age = INPUT("How old are you?") FOR i FROM 1 TO 50 year = year + 1 age = age + 1 OUTPUT("In " + year + ", you will be " + age + " years old.") END FOR
Reviewing the Algorithm
Check the above pseudo-code and answer the following questions:
What variables are used in this code?
On what line is iteration used?
What value is used to initialise the variable year?
On what line is the variable age incremented?
On which line is string concatenation used?
How many lines will be displayed on screen once this program has been fully executed?
What would be the last line to appear on screen once this program has been fully executed?
Check the above flowchart and answer the following questions:
In a flowchart, what shape is used to represent a user INPUT?
In a flowchart, what shape is used to represent iteration?
In a flowchart, what shape is used to represent an OUTPUT?
Python Code
Your task is to use the algorithm provided above (either Flowchart or Pseudo-code) to code this algorithm using Python.

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