HTML / CSS – Transition Effects

In this blog post we will investigate how to create transition effects.

This effect will occur when you load or refresh a web page. It makes the navigation through a webpage more interactive and user friendly. Transition effects are drawing the attention of the user to let them know their page has been loaded.

Fading Transition Effect

See the Pen CSS Transition Effects by 101 Computing (@101Computing) on CodePen.

Press the rerun button in the bottom right corner to preview this animation

Sliding Transition Effect

See the Pen CSS Transition Effects – Sliding Effect by 101 Computing (@101Computing) on CodePen.

Press the rerun button in the bottom right corner to preview this animation

Rotate Transition Effect

See the Pen CSS Transition Effects – Rotate by 101 Computing (@101Computing) on CodePen.

Press the rerun button in the bottom right corner to preview this animation

Zoom-In Transition Effect

See the Pen CSS Transition Effects – Scale Effect by 101 Computing (@101Computing) on CodePen.

Press the rerun button in the bottom right corner to preview this animation

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