Recommended Resources
Data Types Quiz
When using variables and constants in your programs it is important to use the correct data types. The main data types are: Integer: for whole numbers only such as 7, Float/Real: for numbers with decimals only such as 9.81, String: … Continue reading
Epoch/Unix Timestamp Converter
The Unix epoch (or Unix time or POSIX time or Unix timestamp) is the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight GMT). This explains how date & time values are actually stored on computers: using an … Continue reading
Binary Logic Activities
Access a range of activities about binary logic, logic gates, truth tables and Karnaugh maps: Did you like this challenge? Click on a star to rate it! Submit Rating Average rating 4.5 / 5. Vote count: 158 No votes so … Continue reading
Access Rights using Binary Masks
Imagine a building with 8 rooms. Each room is fitted with a card reader used to give access or not to different members of staff. Each member of staff has a card giving them access to some of the rooms. … Continue reading
XOR Encryption Algorithm
The XOR Encryption algorithm is a very effective yet easy to implement method of symmetric encryption. Due to its effectiveness and simplicity, the XOR Encryption is an extremely common component used in more complex encryption algorithms used nowadays. The XOR … Continue reading
Linked Lists
Binary Trees
Binary Trees Linked Lists
Traversal of a Binary Tree
Breadth-First Traversal of a Binary Tree
Binary Expression Trees
Binary Search Tree Implementation
Prime Factor Tree Algorithm
Morse Code using a Binary Tree
Huffman Coding Algorithm
Graph Terminology
Air-Flight Route Planner
The Social Network
Food Chain and Food Web
London Underground Journey Planner
Hash Tables
Airport Lookup Check
Chemical Elements Quiz
2D and 3D Arrays
Cinema Booking Challenge
Laser Maze Game
My Weekly Timetable
Four in a row Challenge
Noughts & Crosses Challenge
Battleship Challenge
Drone Display
Space Invaders 2D/3D Pixel Art
Stack & Queues
Stacks and Queues using Python
The Ice Cream Stack
Bracket Validator (using a Stack)
Reverse Polish Notation (using a Stack)
Further Reading…
Logic Gates Tester Kit Creating Logic Gates using Transistors Fetching Data using Logic Gates Binary Decoder using Logic Gates 8-bit ALU using Logic Gates Binary Additions Using Logic Gates Comparison Operators using Logic Gates Digital Padlock Logic Gates Binary Subtractions Using Logic Gates Binary Shifters using Logic Gates Traffic Lights Controller using Logic Gates