OCR H446/01 – 1.4 Data types, data structures and algorithms

1.4 Data types, data structures and algorithms - Overview / Checklist
1.4.1 Data Types
(a) Primitive data types, integer, real/floating point, character, string and Boolean.
(b) Represent positive integers in binary.
(c) Use of sign and magnitude and two’s complement to represent negative numbers in binary.
(d) Addition and subtraction of binary integers.
(e) Represent positive integers in hexadecimal.
(f) Convert positive integers between binary hexadecimal and denary.
(g) Representation and normalisation of floating point numbers in binary.
(h) Floating point arithmetic, positive and negative numbers, addition and subtraction.
(i) Bitwise manipulation and masks: shifts, combining with AND, OR, and XOR.
(j) How character sets (ASCII and UNICODE) are used to represent text
1.4.2 Data Structures
(a) Arrays (of up to 3 dimensions), records, lists, tuples.
(b) The following structures to store data: linked-list, graph (directed and undirected), stack, queue, tree, binary search tree, hash table.
(c) How to create, traverse, add data to and remove data from the data structures mentioned above. (NB this can be either using arrays and procedural programming or an object-oriented approach).
1.4.3 Boolean Algebra
(a) Define problems using Boolean logic.
(b) Manipulate Boolean expressions, including the use of Karnaugh maps to simplify Boolean expressions.
(c) Use the following rules to derive or simplify statements in Boolean algebra: De Morgan’s Laws, distribution, association, commutation, double negation.
(d) Using logic gate diagrams and truth tables.
(e) The logic associated with D type flip flops, half and full adders.

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