OCR H446/02 – 2.1 Elements of computational thinking

2.1 Elements of computational thinking - Overview / Checklist
2.1.1 Thinking abstractly
(a) The nature of abstraction.
(b) The need for abstraction.
(c) The differences between an abstraction and reality.
(d) Devise an abstract model for a variety of situations.
2.1.2 Thinking ahead
(a) Identify the inputs and outputs for a given situation.
(b) Determine the preconditions for devising a solution to a problem.
(c) The nature, benefits and drawbacks of caching.
(d) The need for reusable program components.
2.1.3 Thinking procedurally
(a) Identify the components of a problem.
(b) Identify the components of a solution to a problem.
(c) Determine the order of the steps needed to solve a problem.
(d) Identify sub-procedures necessary to solve a problem.
2.1.4 Thinking logically
(a) Identify the points in a solution where a decision has to be taken.
(b) Determine the logical conditions that affect the outcome of a decision.
(c) Determine how decisions affect flow through a program.
2.1.5 Thinking concurrently
(a) Determine the parts of a problem that can be tackled at the same time.
(b) Outline the benefits and trade offs that might result from concurrent processing in a particular situation.

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