OCR H446/02 – 2.3 Algorithms

2.3 Algorithms - Overview / Checklist
2.3.1 Algorithms
(a) Analysis and design of algorithms for a given situation.
(b) The suitability of different algorithms for a given task and data set, in terms of execution time and space.
(c) Measures and methods to determine the efficiency of different algorithms, Big O notation (constant, linear, polynomial, exponential and logarithmic complexity).
(d) Comparison of the complexity of algorithms.
(e) Algorithms for the main data structures, (stacks, queues, trees, linked lists, depth-first (post-order) and breadth-first traversal of trees).
(f) Standard algorithms (bubble sort, insertion sort, merge sort, quick sort, Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm, A* algorithm, binary search and linear search).

Recommended Resources

2.3.1 Algorithms
Searching & Sorting Algorithms
Bubble Sort Algorithm – Visualisation Merge Sort Algorithm – Visualisation Quick Sort Algorithm Sorting Algorithms – Visualisation Searching & Sorting Algorithms – Practice Linear Search Functions Binary Search: Guess The Number Linear vs Binary Search: Domain Name Server Challenge Bubble Sort Algorithm – Visualisation Insertion Sort Algorithm – Visualisation Sorting Algorithms – Python Code Shuffling Algorithm (Python Challenge)

Algorithms & Data Structures
– Binary Trees
Breadth-First Traversal of a Binary Tree Binary Search Tree Implementation Prime Factor Tree Algorithm Morse Code using a Binary Tree Huffman Coding Algorithm – Graphs
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– Stack & Queues
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Big O Notation

Big O Notation

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Big O Notation – Quiz

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Short Path Algorithms

Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm

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A* Search Algorithm

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Short Path Algorithm Practice

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