H446 Course Overview
The OCR Computer Science A Level (H446 Specification) consists of 3 units of work as follows:
H446/01 - Computer Systems
1.1 – The characteristics of contemporary processors, input, output and storage devices
Structure and function of the processor, types of processor, input, output and storage
1.2 – Software and software development
Systems software, applications generation, software development, types of programming language.
1.3 – Exchanging data
Compression, encryption and hashing, databases, networks, Web technologies.
1.4 – Data types, data structures and algorithms
Data Types, data Structures, Boolean Algebra.
1.5 – Legal, moral, cultural and ethical issues
Computing related legislation, moral and ethical Issues.
H446/02 - Algorithms and programming
2.1 – Elements of computational thinking
Thinking abstractly, thinking ahead, thinking procedurally, thinking logically, thinking concurrently.
2.2 – Problem solving and programming
Programming techniques and computational methods.
2.3 – Algorithms to solve problems and standard algorithms
Searching & sorting algorithms, algorithms & data structures, Big O notation, short path algorithms.