Penalty Shootout

soccerFor this challenge you are going to write a computer program where the user tries to score a goal against the computer.

The user will be asked where do they want to shoot and will have to choose one of the following five options:

  • TL: Top Left,
  • BL: Bottom Left,
  • M: Middle,
  • TR: Top Right,
  • BR: Bottom Right.


The computer will act as the goal keeper and randomly choose one of these options too.

The program will decide if there is a goal or not by comparing the user’s choice with the computer option.

Complete the code

We have started the code for you. You need to complete it further:

Video Tutorial

Extension Task 1:

Create a second level where the computer can block up to two locations which are next to each other such as:

  • Bottom left and right left,
  • Bottom left and middle,
  • Top right and middle,
  • etc.

Extension Task 2:

Give the end-user a choice: do they want to shoot the penalty or be the goal keeper? Adapt your code to cater for both options.

Extension Task 3:

Create a program where the computer and the player take it in turn. The program adds up the scores and stops on a best of 5 scores. (e.g. 3-0, 4-1, 4-2, 5-3, 5-4)


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