In this challenge we will create a one-player game of poker based on the rules of Texas Hold’em Poker.
In a game of Texas Hold’em Poker, for each round, five “community cards” are dealt face-up on the “board”. Each player is then dealt two private cards. All players in the game can use the “community” cards alongside their own private cards to make their best possible five-card poker hand.
At the start of each round, the 5 community cards are presented face-up. Players can only see their two private cards and can start betting. Then the first 3 cards of the board are revealed (The “flop”). Another round of betting can then take place. Then the 4th card is revealed (the “turn”), followed by another round of betting. The fifth card is then revealed (the “river”) and a final round of betting ensues. Finally the players who have not folded yet will reveal their cards and the player with the strongest hand wins the round.
The hands’ values are defined as follows: (From weakest to strongest)
- High card: Simple value of the card. Lowest: 2 – Highest: Ace
- Pair: Two cards with the same value
- Two pairs: Two sets of two cards with the same value
- Three of a kind: Three cards with the same value
- Straight: Sequence of 5 cards in increasing value (Ace can precede 2 and follow up King)
- Flush: 5 cards of the same suit
- Full house: Combination of three of a kind and a pair
- Four of a kind: Four cards of the same value
- Straight flush: Straight of the same suit
- Royal flush Straight: flush from Ten to Ace
JavaScript implementation
We will create our game using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Our JavaScript code will use two main classes as follows:
class Deck { constructor() { this.deck = []; this.reset(); //Add 52 cards to the deck this.shuffle(); //Shuffle the deck } //End of constructor reset() { this.deck = []; const suits = ['Hearts', 'Diamonds', 'Clubs', 'Spades']; const values = ['Ace', 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 'Jack', 'Queen', 'King']; for (let suit in suits) { for (let value in values) { this.deck.push(values[value] + " of " + suits[suit]); } } } //End of reset() shuffle() { let numberOfCards = this.deck.length; for (var i=0; i<numberOfCards; i++) { let j = Math.floor(Math.random() * numberOfCards); let tmp = this.deck[i]; this.deck[i] = this.deck[j]; this.deck[j] = tmp; } } //End of shuffle() deal(){ return this.deck.pop(); } //End of deal() isEmpty() { return (this.deck.length==0); } //End of isEmpty() length() { return this.deck.length; } } //End of Deck Class
class Card { constructor(card) { this.card = card; const cardValues = {"Ace of Hearts":1, "2 of Hearts":2, "3 of Hearts":3, "4 of Hearts":4, "5 of Hearts":5, "6 of Hearts":6, "7 of Hearts":7, "8 of Hearts":8, "9 of Hearts":9, "10 of Hearts":10, "Jack of Hearts":11, "Queen of Hearts":12, "King of Hearts":13, "Ace of Diamonds":1, "2 of Diamonds":2, "3 of Diamonds":3, "4 of Diamonds":4, "5 of Diamonds":5, "6 of Diamonds":6, "7 of Diamonds":7, "8 of Diamonds":8, "9 of Diamonds":9, "10 of Diamonds":10, "Jack of Diamonds":11, "Queen of Diamonds":12, "King of Diamonds":13, "Ace of Clubs":1, "2 of Clubs":2, "3 of Clubs":3, "4 of Clubs":4, "5 of Clubs":5, "6 of Clubs":6, "7 of Clubs":7, "8 of Clubs":8, "9 of Clubs":9, "10 of Clubs":10, "Jack of Clubs":11, "Queen of Clubs":12, "King of Clubs":13, "Ace of Spades":1, "2 of Spades":2, "3 of Spades":3, "4 of Spades":4, "5 of Spades":5, "6 of Spades":6, "7 of Spades":7, "8 of Spades":8, "9 of Spades":9, "10 of Spades":10, "Jack of Spades":11, "Queen of Spades":12, "King of Spades":13}; this.value = cardValues[card]; this.suit = card.substring(card.indexOf(" of ")+4); this.placeHolder = null; this.flipped = false; var suits = {'Hearts':0, 'Diamonds':13, 'Clubs':26, 'Spades':39 } this.position = suits[this.suit] + this.value; //Position in a sorted deck } //End of Constructor displayCard(placeHolder,flipped=true) { this.placeHolder = document.getElementById(placeHolder); this.placeHolder.classList.add("card"); this.flipped=flipped; if (flipped) { = -150*this.position + "px"; } else { = "0px"; } } flip() { if (this.flipped) { = "0px"; this.flipped=false; } else { = -150*this.position + "px"; this.flipped=true; } } //End of flip() } //End of Card class
const deck = new Deck(); let card1,card2,card3,card4,card5,playerCard1,playerCard2; function deal() { if (deck.length()<7) { deck.reset(); deck.shuffle(); } card1 = new Card(; card2 = new Card(; card3 = new Card(; card4 = new Card(; card5 = new Card(; playerCard1 = new Card(; playerCard2 = new Card(; card1.displayCard("card1",false); card2.displayCard("card2",false); card3.displayCard("card3",false); card4.displayCard("card4",false); card5.displayCard("card5",false); playerCard1.displayCard("playerCard1",true); playerCard2.displayCard("playerCard2",true); } //End of deal() function nextStep(el) { if (!card1.flipped) { card1.flip(); card2.flip(); card3.flip(); el.innerHTML="Reveal 4<sup>th</sup> card"; } else if(!card4.flipped) { card4.flip(); el.innerHTML="Reveal 5<sup>th</sup> card"; } else if(!card5.flipped) { card5.flip(); el.innerHTML="New Round"; } else { deal(); el.innerHTML="Reveal first 3 cards."; } } //End of nextStep() deal(); //The user then clicks the button to call the nextStep() function...
Your Challenge
We have started the code for you. Investigate how this code works and how the Deck class and the Card class have been implemented and used in the game.
The code is incomplete as it does not output the hand’s value at the end of the round. Complete this code to work out and output the hand’s value.
Note that this script uses one picture. In case this picture is not displaying properly, you may have to replace its URL in the CSS code, using the following address:
- Deck of cards:
Note that the following picture gives you additional information on how each card is displayed using a single picture (png file) containing all 52 cards. The right section of the picture is displayed by re-positioning (translating) the background image to match the position of the desired card (using the background-position-x CSS property of the card):