Python Challenges
- The Vigenère Cipher – Python Challenge
- Famous Shipwrecks Explorer – Python Challenge
- The Pizzaiolo’s Pizza Sizing Challenge
- The Allotment Crop Planner (Python Challenge)
- The Explorer’s Challenge: Naming New Species with Code
- Scheduling Algorithms – Python Challenge
- Chinese New Year Coding Challenge
- Chess Challenge: Checkmate in one move
- The Egg Farmer’s Puzzle
- Name the Country: Python Challenge
- Periodic Table of Elements – JSON Challenge
- Computer Software Card Game
- For Loops Challenges
- The Programming Skills Survey
- Spider Web Challenge
- Irrational Numbers – Python Challenge
- Storage Units – Bigger or Smaller Quiz
- Endurance Shipwreck Search Expedition
- Storage Devices Python Challenge
- Mountains Elevation Quiz
- World Buildings Quiz!
- Smoothies Ingredients Data Set
- The Coffee Shop – Price Calculator
- School Room Finder
- Circular Maze Challenge
- Pronic Numbers Challenge
- Olympics Host Cities (CSV Challenge)
- Paris 2024 – JSON Challenge
- Ice Cream Price Calculator
- Revision Progress Tracker Algorithm
- Average Lap Time Calculator
- Return On Investment Calculator
- Flappy Bird Animation using Pygame
- Adding a Timer using Python
- Snake Game Using Python
- Candy Crush – Level Generation
- Snakes and Ladders using Python
- Pacman – Pac-dots Randomiser
- Hogwarts Sorting Hat Algorithm
- Poem Decoding Challenge
- The Moroccan Spices Box Set Puzzle
- Standard Deviation Algorithm
- Countries of Africa
- Let’s Build a Castle
- Python Turtle Race
- Crenellation Challenge
- Zip It! – Python Challenge
- Join the Dots Challenge
- The Envelope Challenge
- Drawing flags using Python Turtle
- The Birthday Paradox
- The Monty Hall Problem
- Denary to Binary Conversion Algorithm
- Snow Poem Algorithm
- Programming Terminology – Drag and Drop
- Laser Maze Game in Python
- Battle of the Knights
- Knight Name Generator
- 2018 World Cup – Goals Analysis
- A Python game of Noughts and Crosses
- The World in 2050
- Light Bulb Energy Rating Calculator
- Digit Sum Algorithm
- The Uppercase Challenge
- The Fish and Chips Puzzle
- Cryptography Challenge
- Back to the Future – Time Machine
- Cumulative Elevation Gain Calculator
- Maths Fraction Hack Algorithm
- Bouncing Algorithm in a platform game
- Egg Code Stamp Decoder
- The ice cream Stack
- IP Addresses (IPv4, IPv6), MAC Addresses & URLs
- Mode Algorithm using a Hash Table
- Maths Puzzles…
- Brunel’s Engineering Algorithms
- The Climbing Stairs Puzzle
- 10/02/22 Computing Challenge
- 07/02/22 Computing Challenge
- Let It Snow Challenge
- Double Six Dice Game
- Morse Code using a Binary Tree
- Connect Flow (Backtracking Algorithm)
- Frog Puzzle (Backtracking Algorithm)
- Insertion, Bubble, Merge and Quick Sort Algorithms
- Quick Sort Algorithm
- Breadth-First Traversal of a Binary Tree
- Rush Hour Backtracking Algorithm
- Noah’s Ark Backtracking Algorithm
- Prime Factor Tree Algorithm
- Dice Score Frequency Analysis
- Random Odd and Even Numbers
- Multi-threading in Python
- The School Lockers Puzzle
- 2D Dice Grid Scoring Algorithm
- Diagonal Difference Calculator
- Wind Speed Conversions and the Beaufort Scale
- Circle Geometry Functions
- Mars Perseverance Rover
- Binary Search Tree Implementation
- Lossless Compression: Huffman Coding Algorithm
- Average night’s sleep survey
- Reverse Polish Notation Parser
- Truth Table Generator (Using Python)
- File Size Calculations
- Square Root Estimation Algorithms
- Multimedia Library (OOP Concepts)
- MP3 Playlist Class
- Shopping Basket Class
- Random Library Challenges
- DOS Emulator using Python
- OOP Programming: Classes & Objects
- Drone Display
- Algebraic Pyramid Challenge
- Bracket Validator
- Proportions and cross products
- XOR Encryption Algorithm
- Eureka! (and King Hiero’s Crown)
- The commuter’s puzzle
- Mission Alpha-Centauri
- 2D Rotation Matrix
- Python Typing Text Effect
- What if planet Earth was made of Lego?
- Standard Form Conversion Algorithm
- Find the Logic Error
- HCF and LCM algorithms
- Euclid’s Division Algorithm
- ASCII Quiz Challenge
- Thank You Medical Staff and Key Workers!
- Colour Luminance and Contrast Ratio
- Radians to Degrees Conversions
- Pygame Framework
- Create your own Sound Effects in Python
- Create your own music using Python!
- Vera Molnár’s Artwork revisited using Python
- Triangle Geometry Functions
- Heron’s Formula
- Linear Search Functions
- Leap Year Subroutine
- Breakout Tutorial using Pygame: Adding a Brick Wall
- Breakout Tutorial using Pygame: Adding a Bouncing Ball
- Breakout Tutorial using Pygame: Controlling the Paddle
- Breakout Tutorial using Pygame: Adding the Paddle
- Breakout Tutorial using Pygame – Getting Started
- CMYK to RGB Conversion Algorithm
- Jack and the Beanstalk
- Atbash Cipher Algorithm
- Polar vs. Cartesian Coordinates
- Caesar Shift Decoder
- The Dobble Algorithm
- Manhattan distance calculator
- Heads or Tails
- Divisibility Rules
- Number 2520?
- Shuffling a 2D Array
- Shuffling Algorithm
- Boggle Challenge
- What 3 Words Localisation
- String Slicing in Python
- Floating Point Binary Converter
- Higher or Lower Number Game
- The missing key
- School Trip Bus Quote
- Real-Time Asteroid Watch
- Padlock Code Challenge #9
- Padlock Code Challenge #8
- Padlock Code Challenge #7
- Padlock Code Challenge #6
- Padlock Code Challenge #5
- Padlock Code Challenge #4
- Padlock Code Challenge #3
- Padlock Code Challenge #2
- Padlock Code Challenge #1
- Enigma Encoder
- Pong Tutorial using Pygame – Adding a Scoring System
- Pong Tutorial using Pygame – Adding a Bouncing Ball
- Pong Tutorial using Pygame – Controlling the Paddles
- Pong Tutorial using Pygame – Adding the Paddles
- Pong Tutorial using Pygame – Getting Started
- Pomodoro Timer
- Enigma Daily Settings Generator
- Stopping Distance Calculator
- Binary Permutations Challenge
- Complementary Colours Algorithm
- My Weekly Timetable
- Colour Difference Formula
- Cell Phone Trilateration Algorithm
- Weight on the Moon Calculator
- Lissajous Curve Tracing Algorithm
- The Honeycomb Challenge
- Sudoku Generator Algorithm
- Chemical Elements Quiz
- Airport Code Lookup Check
- My Class Register
- Pentagram Challenge
- The Shoelace Algorithm
- Sorting Algorithms using Python
- Random Password Generator
- Weather Forecast API
- Currency Converter
- Real-Time ISS Tracker
- 3D Snowman
- Target Detection Algorithm
- A Puzzling Algorithm
- The Pizzaiolo’s Puzzle
- The Box Swap Puzzle
- Word Unscramble Challenge
- Lunar Craters Challenge
- Epoch/Unix Timestamp Converter
- Recursive vs. Iterative Palindrome Check
- Blackbeard’s Treasure Map
- The Rail Fence Cipher
- Semaphore Code Using Python Turtle
- Is my credit card valid?
- Intersection Point
- My Python Turtle Roller Coaster
- Triangular Numbers
- Happy New Year Animation
- Guitar Chords Reader
- Text Based Animations
- Splash Screen and Progress Bar
- Football Results Tracker
- How many Bytes in…
- Four-in-a-row challenge!
- Langton’s Ant
- Number Sequence – Finding the nth Term
- Original Price Calculator
- Python Turtle – Protractor Challenge
- Area Calculator Flowchart Challenge
- Min, Max, Mean, Median and Mod – Flowcharts
- Fizz-Buzz Game Algorithm
- Finding the factors of…
- Bidding Process – Flowchart
- Entry Fees Calculator using a Flowchart
- Stacks and Queues using Python
- Flowchart to Python Code – Star Rating Validation
- Flowchart to Python Code – Poker Dice Game
- Flowchart to Python Code – Discount Price Calculator
- Flowchart to Python Code – Temperature Converter
- Data Visualisation Algorithms
- From Flowcharts to Python Code
- Time Conversion Algorithm
- Python Turtle Spirograph
- Python Turtle – Morphing Algorithm
- Air Flight Route Planner
- The Social Network
- Estimating Pi using the Monte Carlo Method
- Space Invaders – 3D Pixel Art
- London Underground – Journey Planner
- Insertion Sort Algorithm
- Bubble Sort Algorithm
- Backtracking Maze – Path Finder
- Backtracking Algorithm – Sudoku Solver
- Backtracking Algorithm – Magic Square Solver
- Food Chain Game Using Python
- Lighthouse Animation Challenge
- Python Turtle – WordArt Challenge
- Confetti Artwork Challenges
- Confetti Challenge
- Binary Shift using Python
- Min, Max, Mean, Median and Mod
- How old will you be in…
- Vanishing Point Perspective
- Pacman Ghost Algorithm
- Bouncing Algorithm
- Closest Player Detection Algorithm
- Random Background Generator
- Oblique Projection Formulas
- Parallax Scrolling Effect
- Layer Cake using Python Turtle
- Parseltongue Encoder
- Automatic Petrol Pump Algorithm
- ATM Algorithm
- Python Syntax
- Moroccan Mosaic
- 2D Shapes using Python Turtle
- How Old is Your Cat?
- How many sweets in the jar?
- Pascal Triangle
- Infinite Quarter Series
- Estimating Pi using Buffon’s Needle
- Euler’s Number
- Golden Angle
- Graphing Algorithm
- Monopoly Quiz
- Defragmentation Algorithm
- Recursive Tree Challenge
- Mixed Numbers Challenge
- Text Alignment Challenge
- Conway’s Game of Life
- Python Wordsearch Generator
- London Bus Timetable
- Offside Detection Algorithm
- Water Polo Challenge
- Football Formation
- Acute, Obtuse and Reflex Angles
- Weather Statistics Challenge
- ASCII-Bot Challenge
- Italian Takeaway Ordering System
- Cinema Booking Challenge
- Top 10 Challenge
- Planets Top Trumps
- US Presidents Quiz
- Break Even Point
- Curling Challenge
- Darts Scoring Algorithm
- Factorial Challenge
- Kings & Queens of England
- Professor Snape’s Magic Potions
- Time Guessing Game
- Fast Typing Test
- Hardware Quiz
- Tally Marks Counter
- Hangman Game
- Bowling Scoreboard
- Guess the Number: Binary Search
- Roman Numerals Conversion
- Leaderboard
- Boarding Pass Validation
- Arithmetic Quiz
- RGB Converter
- Binary Converter using Python
- Password Checker
- Happy Birthday!
- Days Until Summer
- Which Season?
- Love Match Calculator
- Domain Name Server
- UPC Barcode & Check Digit Calculation
- My Login Script
- Caesar Cipher
- Resistor in Series and Parallel
- Astronomy Challenge
- Python Turtle – My House
- Hogwarts Sorting Hat Challenge
- Voting Age Checker – Flowchart
- BBC micro:bit – Tetris Game
- Archery Scoring Algorithm
- What’s My Change?
- The Zoo Keeper’s Puzzles
- Marathon Time Calculator
- Cake Sale
- BBC micro:bit – Simon Game
- Youtube Channel: Video Tutorials
- Pygame Tutorial – Adding More Sprites
- Pygame: How To’s?
- 3D Traffic Lights
- 3D Lego Bricks
- 3D Solar System
- 3D Tetris Shapes
- 3D Molecules
- 3D Animation : Moon Phases
- Coding Puzzles
- The Collatz Conjecture
- Merry Christmas
- Beach Huts Challenge
- Guess the country
- Haunted House
- Yes or No!
- Fireworks Display
- My daily routine
- Sweet Shop
- The window cleaner’s quote
- Gradient Animation
- My Charts
- Penalty Shootout
- CCTV Camera – Motion Detection
- Timelapse Video Recording Using a Rapberry Pi
- Daily Calorie Intake
- Find the monster!
- NATO Phonetic Alphabet
- Google Translate
- Live Metrics
- How eco-friendly are you?
- My Library
- The Legend of the Secret Key
- Number based brainteasers
- Quote of the Day
- Limit 33
- For Sale
- My superhero
- 12-hour clock
- Minecraft Trampoline
- Avatar Generator
- Le Tour de France
- Rainbow Challenge
- Turtle Maze Challenge
- Pygame: How to control your sprite?
- Creating Sprites using Pygame
- Minecraft + Python Challenges
- Getting Started with Pygame
- Using text files in Python
- London 2012
- Batman vs. Python Turtle
- HTML Code Builder (in Python)
- Calculating Pi using a Python script
- Word Score Challenge
- Name the colour
- My thesaurus
- Where are you calling from?
- String Manipulation – Lesson Code
- String Manipulation & ASCII Art
- String Manipulation
- My Weather Forecast
- Year 2050
- Resistor Value Calculator
- Meet E.V.E.
- Optical Illusions
- All Stars Football Team
- Download Python
- Lottery Numbers
- Fruit Machine
- Python Basics
- Blackjack Challenge
- Number Sequences
- The bear hunt
- Modular Design
- US Population
- UK Postcodes – Distance Calculator
- Team Generator
- Class Register
- Times Table Challenge
- Higher or Lower Game
- Molecular Mass Calculator
- My Conversion Library
- Lightning Distance Calculator
- Space Mission
- Discount Price Calculator
- Fahrenheit to Celsius Converter
- The legend of the chessboard
- Fraction Simplifier
- Area Calculator
- 3D Challenge
- Mastermind Challenge
- Python: Reading a text file
- Python Tip: Validating user input as number (Integer)
- My mp3 playlist
- Countdown
- Morse Code Encoder
- Home Alone – Kevin is not here!
- The Gruffalo
- The Twelve Days of Christmas
- Scrabble Challenge
- Battleship Challenge
- Roulette (Betting Game)
- The YOLO Challenge
- Fizz-Buzz Game
- Secret Santa
- Rock-Paper-Scissors
- Let it snow…
- My Logo in Python
- Snowflake Challenge
- Leap Year?
- My Name is Bond, James Bond
- What’s My Username?
- Car Logos using Python Turtle
- Gradient Generator
- Volume Calculator
- Turtle Spirals
- Python Turtle – Iteration
- Python Turtle – Sequence
- Weather Forecast Report
- Python Fractals
- Haiku Generator in Python
- Pixel Art Gallery
- Number Plate Generator
- Magic 8 Ball – Using Python Blocks!
- What’s my grade?
- Victor Vasarely’s Artwork revisited using Python
- Pixel Art in Python
- Traffic Lights Challenge
- Python Shapes using Turtle
- My E-Mail Validation Script
- Fancy a game of Poker Dice?
- Prime Number Check in Python
- Barcode Generator – Using Python
- Random Cloud Generator using Python
- Recursive vs. Iterative Algorithms
- Projectile Motion Formula
- Music Score using Python
- Goal Line Technology
- Python Turtle Clock
- Python Turtle Challenge
- My First Python Game – Guess the Number
- Python Patterns
- Python Cheat Sheet
- My ASCII Codes…
- Python IDE: PyScripter
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