- Scheduling Algorithms – Python Challenge
- Periodic Table of Elements – JSON Challenge
- Smoothies Ingredients Data Set
- Paris 2024 – JSON Challenge
- Flappy Bird Animation using Pygame
- Snake Game Using Python
- Poem Decoding Challenge
- The Moroccan Spices Box Set Puzzle
- Standard Deviation Algorithm
- The Birthday Paradox
- The Monty Hall Problem
- Bouncing Algorithm in a platform game
- The ice cream Stack
- Mode Algorithm using a Hash Table
- The Climbing Stairs Puzzle
- 10/02/22 Computing Challenge
- 07/02/22 Computing Challenge
- Morse Code using a Binary Tree
- Connect Flow (Backtracking Algorithm)
- Frog Puzzle (Backtracking Algorithm)
- Insertion, Bubble, Merge and Quick Sort Algorithms
- Quick Sort Algorithm
- Breadth-First Traversal of a Binary Tree
- Rush Hour Backtracking Algorithm
- Noah’s Ark Backtracking Algorithm
- Prime Factor Tree Algorithm
- Dice Score Frequency Analysis
- Multi-threading in Python
- The School Lockers Puzzle
- Binary Search Tree Implementation
- Lossless Compression: Huffman Coding Algorithm
- Reverse Polish Notation Parser
- Multimedia Library (OOP Concepts)
- DOS Emulator using Python
- Drone Display
- Bracket Validator
- 2D Rotation Matrix
- Pygame Framework
- Breakout Tutorial using Pygame: Adding a Brick Wall
- Breakout Tutorial using Pygame: Adding a Bouncing Ball
- Breakout Tutorial using Pygame: Controlling the Paddle
- Breakout Tutorial using Pygame: Adding the Paddle
- Breakout Tutorial using Pygame – Getting Started
- The Dobble Algorithm
- Boggle Challenge
- What 3 Words Localisation
- Floating Point Binary Converter
- Real-Time Asteroid Watch
- Enigma Encoder
- Pong Tutorial using Pygame – Adding a Scoring System
- Pong Tutorial using Pygame – Adding a Bouncing Ball
- Pong Tutorial using Pygame – Controlling the Paddles
- Pong Tutorial using Pygame – Adding the Paddles
- Pong Tutorial using Pygame – Getting Started
- Enigma Daily Settings Generator
- Cell Phone Trilateration Algorithm
- Lissajous Curve Tracing Algorithm
- Sudoku Generator Algorithm
- The Shoelace Algorithm
- Sorting Algorithms using Python
- Weather Forecast API
- Real-Time ISS Tracker
- Target Detection Algorithm
- The Pizzaiolo’s Puzzle
- Epoch/Unix Timestamp Converter
- Recursive vs. Iterative Palindrome Check
- Guitar Chords Reader
- Four-in-a-row challenge!
- Langton’s Ant
- Stacks and Queues using Python
- Data Visualisation Algorithms
- Python Turtle Spirograph
- Python Turtle – Morphing Algorithm
- Air Flight Route Planner
- The Social Network
- London Underground – Journey Planner
- Insertion Sort Algorithm
- Bubble Sort Algorithm
- Backtracking Maze – Path Finder
- Backtracking Algorithm – Sudoku Solver
- Backtracking Algorithm – Magic Square Solver
- Food Chain Game Using Python
- Python Turtle – WordArt Challenge
- Confetti Artwork Challenges
- Confetti Challenge
- Vanishing Point Perspective
- Pacman Ghost Algorithm
- Bouncing Algorithm
- Closest Player Detection Algorithm
- Random Background Generator
- Parallax Scrolling Effect
- Python Syntax
- 2D Shapes using Python Turtle
- Pascal Triangle
- Infinite Quarter Series
- Estimating Pi using Buffon’s Needle
- Euler’s Number
- Graphing Algorithm
- Defragmentation Algorithm
- Conway’s Game of Life
- Python Wordsearch Generator
- London Bus Timetable
- Offside Detection Algorithm
- Cinema Booking Challenge
- Curling Challenge
- Darts Scoring Algorithm
- Hangman Game
- Bowling Scoreboard
- Roman Numerals Conversion
- RGB Converter
- Binary Converter using Python
- BBC micro:bit – Tetris Game
- Pygame Tutorial – Adding More Sprites
- The Collatz Conjecture
- Fireworks Display
- CCTV Camera – Motion Detection
- Timelapse Video Recording Using a Rapberry Pi
- Batman vs. Python Turtle
- Blackjack Challenge
- UK Postcodes – Distance Calculator
- Molecular Mass Calculator
- Fraction Simplifier
- 3D Challenge
- Mastermind Challenge
- Home Alone – Kevin is not here!
- Scrabble Challenge
- Battleship Challenge
- Gradient Generator
- Python Fractals
- Victor Vasarely’s Artwork revisited using Python
- Traffic Lights Challenge
- Prime Number Check in Python
- Barcode Generator – Using Python
- Random Cloud Generator using Python
- Recursive vs. Iterative Algorithms
- Projectile Motion Formula
- Music Score using Python
- Goal Line Technology
- Python Cheat Sheet