- The Explorer’s Challenge: Naming New Species with Code
- The Egg Farmer’s Puzzle
- For Loops Challenges
- Endurance Shipwreck Search Expedition
- The Coffee Shop – Price Calculator
- Ice Cream Price Calculator
- Return On Investment Calculator
- Hogwarts Sorting Hat Algorithm
- Let’s Build a Castle
- Python Turtle Race
- Crenellation Challenge
- Join the Dots Challenge
- The Envelope Challenge
- Drawing flags using Python Turtle
- Programming Terminology – Drag and Drop
- Knight Name Generator
- The World in 2050
- Light Bulb Energy Rating Calculator
- The Fish and Chips Puzzle
- Maths Fraction Hack Algorithm
- Let It Snow Challenge
- Double Six Dice Game
- Mars Perseverance Rover
- Eureka! (and King Hiero’s Crown)
- The commuter’s puzzle
- Python Typing Text Effect
- What if planet Earth was made of Lego?
- Thank You Medical Staff and Key Workers!
- Jack and the Beanstalk
- String Slicing in Python
- Higher or Lower Number Game
- The missing key
- Complementary Colours Algorithm
- Weight on the Moon Calculator
- The Honeycomb Challenge
- My Class Register
- Random Password Generator
- A Puzzling Algorithm
- The Box Swap Puzzle
- My Python Turtle Roller Coaster
- Happy New Year Animation
- Text Based Animations
- Splash Screen and Progress Bar
- Original Price Calculator
- Python Turtle – Protractor Challenge
- Area Calculator Flowchart Challenge
- Entry Fees Calculator using a Flowchart
- Flowchart to Python Code – Star Rating Validation
- Flowchart to Python Code – Poker Dice Game
- Flowchart to Python Code – Discount Price Calculator
- Flowchart to Python Code – Temperature Converter
- From Flowcharts to Python Code
- Time Conversion Algorithm
- How old will you be in…
- Layer Cake using Python Turtle
- Python Syntax
- Water Polo Challenge
- Football Formation
- Acute, Obtuse and Reflex Angles
- ASCII-Bot Challenge
- Professor Snape’s Magic Potions
- Tally Marks Counter
- Resistor in Series and Parallel
- Python Turtle – My House
- Hogwarts Sorting Hat Challenge
- Voting Age Checker – Flowchart
- The Zoo Keeper’s Puzzles
- Cake Sale
- 3D Lego Bricks
- Coding Puzzles
- Merry Christmas
- My daily routine
- The window cleaner’s quote
- Penalty Shootout
- How eco-friendly are you?
- The Legend of the Secret Key
- Quote of the Day
- For Sale
- My superhero
- Avatar Generator
- Turtle Maze Challenge
- My Weather Forecast
- Year 2050
- Meet E.V.E.
- Optical Illusions
- Fruit Machine
- Python Basics
- The bear hunt
- Lightning Distance Calculator
- Discount Price Calculator
- Fahrenheit to Celsius Converter
- The legend of the chessboard
- Area Calculator
- The Gruffalo
- The YOLO Challenge
- Fizz-Buzz Game
- Let it snow…
- Snowflake Challenge
- My Name is Bond, James Bond
- Car Logos using Python Turtle
- Python Turtle – Iteration
- Python Turtle – Sequence
- Magic 8 Ball – Using Python Blocks!
- Python Shapes using Turtle
- Python Patterns
- Python Cheat Sheet