Rent-A-Bike – Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

rent-a-bikeRent-a-Bike is a company offering a bike rental service in the London area.​ They would like a new IT system to replace their existing booking system.​ You have been asked to investigate their requirements in order to design the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) for this system.

For more information about relational databases and Entity Relationship Diagrams, visit the following pages:

The requirements of Rent-A-Bike are as follows:

  • The new system will need to store information about the customers, the bikes, the bookings and the payments made by customers.​
  • In most cases, a customer will book a single bike at a time, however Rent-a-Bike also allows for group bookings. This means that a customer can rent several bikes as part of a single booking,
  • Each booking can be paid in either one or several payments/instalments.

Use our online ERD tool to design the Entity Relationship Diagram for this bike rental company. Note that you have not been given any information about the pieces of information to store about the customers, bikes, bookings or payments so you will have to decide of the most relevant fields to include on your ERD.

Design Your ERD Online

Extension Task

Rent-A-Bike is considering opening new branches to cover all the main UK cities including, but not limited to, Manchester, Leeds, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Cardiff, Belfast, Bristol, Birmingham and Cambridge.

They would like their IT system to store information of each one of their branches/rental shops. Each bike will be allocated to a shop/branch.

The system should also store information about all the employees working at a specific branch. When a booking is made, it will be assigned to an employee who will be in charge of preparing and collecting the bikes and chasing payments from customers.

Your task is to update your ERD to take into consideration these new customer requirements.




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