Did you know that every colour on the screen can be represented using an RGB code (Red, Green, Blue) code. This code consists of three numbers between 0 and 255, indicating how much red, green and blue are used to recreate the colour. For instance the RGB code for:
- Red is (255,0,0)
- Green is (0,255,0)
- Blue is (0,0,255)
- Yellow is (255,255,0)
- Orange is (255,165,0)
Graphic designer and software programmer sometimes prefer to use another notation based on hexadecimal RGB code where each of the three decimal values are converted into a two-digit hexadecimal code, resulting in a 6-digit (3×2) hexadecimal code. For instance:
- Red is #FF000
- Green is #00FF00
- Blue is #0000FF
- Yellow is #FFFF00
- Orange is #FFA500
Check the following RGB Color picker to see how RGB codes work:
The aim of this challenge is to write a program to perform decimal RGB to hexadecimal colour codes conversion and vice-versa.
Your Code

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