
Archaeological Site Map

Roman Sundial
a = "XXLV" b = "VIII" key = LEFT(a,2) + RIGHT(b,3) OUTPUT key /* If you have worked out this key, pin it on the archeological map (see tab above) to locate a piece of the Roman sundial. */
a = "I" b = "V" c = "X" key = 3*c + b + 3*a OUTPUT key
a="II" b="VI" temp = a a = b b = temp key = a + b OUTPUT key
a = CHR(88) b = CHR(86) c = CHR(73) key = a + a + b + c + c OUTPUT key /* -------------------------------------- HELP: The ASCII code for character A is 65 -----------------------------------------*/
numerals = ["I","V","X","L","C","D","M"] key = numerals[2] key = key + numerals[3] key = key + numerals[1] key = key + numerals[0] OUTPUT key
key = "" FOR i FROM 1 TO 3 key = key + "X" NEXT i key = key + "V" FOR i FROM 1 TO 2 key = key + "I" NEXT i OUTPUT key
key = "XL" WHILE LENGTH(key)<5 key = key + "I" END WHILE OUTPUT Key
key = "" longKey = "XVXIIVV" FOR i FROM 0 TO LENGTH(key)-1 STEP 2 key = key + longKey[i] NEXT i OUTPUT key
#Roman Invasion of Brittain date = "AD 43" IF LEFT(date,2)=="BC" THEN key = "XX" ELSE key = "XL" END IF year = INT(RIGHT(date, 2)) n = year MOD 10 key = key + n*"I" OUTPUT key
emperor = "Claudius" IF LENGTH(emperor) MOD 2 == 1 THEN key = "XXIX" ELSE key = "IX" END IF IF LENGTH(key)<=2 THEN key = "X" + key ELSE key = key + "X" END IF OUTPUT key
FUNCTION reverse(text) newText = "" FOR i FROM 0 TO LENGTH(text)-1 newText = text[i] + newText NEXT i RETURN newText END FUNCTON key = reverse("IIIVX") OUTPUT Key
encryptedKey = "ESCPPP" This key was encrypted using a Caesar Shift Cipher, an encryption method used by Roman emperor Julius Caesar to encrypt military messages. The key to decrypt this message is 7.
There is nothing here!
Please carry on with your archaeological excavations!

You have found one piece of of the lost roman sundial:
String Manipulation
string = "abcdef"
LENGTH(string) would return the number of characters in the string (e.g. 6)
LEFT(string,3) would return the first 3 characters of the string (e.g. "abc")
RIGHT(string,3) would return the last 3 characters of the string (e.g. "def")

DIV is the quotient of a division, whereas MOD is the remainder.
For instance: 20 / 3 = 6 remainder 2
20 DIV 3 would return 6
20 MOD 3 would return 2

Check the following ASCII table to lookup the right codes.