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Python IDE Dashboard
Tag: Flowchart

Higher or Lower Number Game

For this challenge you will design and write a program to play against the computer. The computer will display a random number between 1 and 100. The user will have to try to guess this number. For each guess the

School Trip Bus Quote

A school teacher is organising a school trip for the whole year group. He expects between 250 and 350 students to attend this trip. To estimate the cost of the trip, the school teacher has contacted a coach company to

Word Unscramble Challenge

In this challenge, we will create a Word Unscramble quiz where the computer will randomly pick up words from a given list, scramble the letters of the word, output the scrambled word (anagram) and ask the user to guess the

Original Price Calculator

Shopping during the sales can sometimes be very confusing. With discounted prices at 10%, 20%, 50% or even 70%! For this challenge you are going to write a Python script that prompts the user to enter a discounted price in

Python Turtle – Protractor Challenge

Python Turtle? Let’s Recap! Looking at the following code can you explain the purpose of each Python Turtle instructions: turtle.color(“red”) turtle.forward(100) turtle.right(90) turtle.left(45) turtle.penup() turtle.pendown() turtle.goto(0,0) turtle.setHeading(45) (X,Y) Coordinates? The canvas we are drawing on (using Python Turtle) is

Area Calculator Flowchart Challenge

In this challenge you will design an algorithm to calculate the area of various shapes as listed below: Shape Name Area Square width2 Rectangle width x length Circle pi x radius2 Triangle base x height / 2 Your algorithm should:

Min, Max, Mean, Median and Mod – Flowcharts

In this challenge we will design algorithms used to calculate the Min, Max, Mean, Median and Mod from a list of numbers. First you may want to refresh your maths skills and check the meaning of these terms: MIN

Bidding Process – Flowchart

For this challenge we will consider the bidding process used within online auction websites such as eBay. Our aim is to create a system that will accept bids from the end-user, check if the bid being placed is greater than

Entry Fees Calculator using a Flowchart

For this challenge you will create a flowchart to explain the process that a computer will have to follow to calculate the entry fees to an aqua park for a small group of visitors or a family. Below is the

Flowchart Creator

A flowchart is a visual diagram used to describe an algorithm. It enables you to describe the key steps of your algorithms and highlights when the user will be required to input data, when the computer will output/display information to