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Tag: logic gates

8-bit ALU using Logic Gates

In this post we will create an Arithmetic & Logic Unit (ALU) using logic gates. The ALU is one of the main component of the CPU. It is used in the Execution stage of the FDE cycle to perform all

Binary Shifters using Logic Gates

A binary shift is a binary operation that consists of shifting all the digit of a binary number either to the left or to the right by a fixed amount. Binary shifts can be used to multiply a number by

Binary Comparators using Logic Gates

Binary comparators are logic gates circuit used to compare two binary inputs. There are two types of binary comparators: Equality Comparators are used to check if the two binary inputs (A and B) are equal or not. Magnitude Comparators are

Binary Decoders using Logic Gates

A decoder is a logic circuit that converts a coded input to a “decoded” output by converting the input into a different format. Binary decoders can be used to: Convert BCD/binary value into “denary format”, “octal format” or “hexadecimal format”,

Equality Comparators using Logic Gates

An equality comparator is a hardware electronic circuit made from logic gates that takes two binary numbers as input determines whether these are equal or not. Equality comparators and magnitude comparators (used to determine whether a binary input is larger,

4-bit counter using D-Type flip-flop circuits

In this blog post we will design an electronic circuit using logics gates (combined into D-Type flip-flop circuits) to create a 4-bit binary counter. This approach will help us understand how a program counter may be designed within the CPU

Name the Logic Gate

Look at the logic gates diagrams below. For each of these diagrams, complete the Truth Table corresponding to the diagram. Can you name the logic gate that each diagram is equivalent to? Check Your Answers You can now recreate these

Fetching Data using a Multiplexer

In our previous blog posts we have looked at a few logic gates circuits used inside a CPU to perform binary additions (Half adders and full adders) and to retain a bit of information using a D-Type flip-flop circuit (Data

Random Access Memory using Logic Gates

In our previous blog post, “Binary Additions using Logic Gates”, we investigated how logic gates can be used together to create a circuit used in the ALU (Arithmetic & Logic Unit of the CPU) to add two binary numbers together.

Binary Additions using Logic Gates

In our previous blog post “from transistors to processors” we found out that the CPU consists of logic gates, which are made using transistors. In this blog post we are looking at how these logic gates can be combined to