OCR J277/01 – 1.3 Computer networks

1.1 System Architecture - Overview / Checklist
1.3.1 Networks and topologies
Types of network:

    LAN (Local Area Network)
    WAN (Wide Area Network)

Factors that affect the performance of networks
The different roles of computers in a client-server and a peer-topeer network
The hardware needed to connect stand-alone computers into a Local Area Network:

    Wireless access points
    NIC (Network Interface Controller/Card)
    Transmission media

The Internet as a worldwide collection of computer networks:

    DNS (Domain Name Server)
    The Cloud
    Web servers and clients

Star and Mesh network topologies

1.3.2 Wired and wireless networks, protocols and layers
Modes of connection:





IP addressing and MAC addressing
Common protocols including:

    TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
    HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)
    HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure)
    FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
    POP (Post Office Protocol)
    IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)
    SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

The concept of layers

Recommended Resources

1.3.2 Wired and wireless networks, protocols and layers

Wired & Wireless Connection Methods

Can you recognise the different types of cables used in IT? Do you know what are the main wireless technologies used to connect IT equipment? Take the quiz to check your knowledge of wired … Continue reading

Daily Protocolometer

In this post, we are investigating our daily use of the main protocols used when accessing the Internet while using our smartphone, laptop or desktop computer, tablet, smartTV or game console. Protocols are an essential concept to enable network communications … Continue reading

TCP/IP Protocols and Packet Switching

The TCP/IP protocols are a suite of protocols used to support different types of communication between devices over an IP network such as the Internet. These protocols resulted from research and development conducted by the US Defense Advanced Research Projects … Continue reading

TCP/IP Stack: Network Layers and Protocols

The TCP/IP Stack is a model that governs how data is transmitted from one computer to another via an IP network such as the Internet. Internet communication includes using a web browser to access a webpage from a websever, sending … Continue reading

IP Addresses (IPv4, IPv6), MAC Addresses & URLs

In this blog post, we are going to learn about the format of different addresses used on computer networks to uniquely identify hardware devices. We will investigate the use and format of: IPv4 Addresses, IPv6 Addresses, MAC Addresses. IPv4 Addresses … Continue reading

Further Reading…

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