OCR J277/01 – 1.1 System Architecture
Architecture of the CPU, performance of the CPU, embedded systems.
1.2 – Memory and Storage
Primary storage (Memory), secondary storage, storage units, data storage, compression.
1.3 – Computer Networks, Connections and Protocols
Networks and topologies, wired and wireless networks, protocols and layers.
Network Security
Threats to computer systems and networks, identifying and preventing vulnerabilities.
1.5 – Systems Software
Operating systems, utility software.
1.6 – Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental impacts of digital technology
Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental impact.
2.1 – Algorithms
Computational thinking, designing, creating and refining algorithms, searching and sorting algorithms.
2.2 – Programming fundamentals
Programming fundamentals, data types, additional programming techniques
2.3 – Producing robust programs
Defensive design, testing.
2.4 – Boolean logic
Boolean expressions, logic gates diagrams and Truth tables.
2.5 – Programming languages and Integrated Development Environments
Programming languages & translators, Integrated Development Environment (IDE)