OCR J277/02 – 2.4 – Boolean logic

2.4 – Boolean logic - Overview / Checklist
2.4.1 Boolean logic
Simple logic diagrams using the operators AND, OR and NOT
Truth tables
Combining Boolean operators using AND, OR and NOT
Applying logical operators in truth tables to solve problems

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2.4.1 Boolean logic

Logic Gates Challenges

For this set of challenges, your task is to design logic gates circuits in order to produce the desired output for the given inputs as described in each challenge. You can combine as many logic gates as necessary using the … Continue reading

Logic Gates Circuits

This set of challenges is designed to be completed with a logic board such as the Logic & Arithmetic board designed by the University of Southampton and the UK Electronic Skills Foundation. Alternatively, if you do not have access to … Continue reading

Logic Gates & Truth Tables

Learning Objectives In this post you will predict the output of logic gates circuits by completing truth tables. First you need to learn the basic truth tables for the following logic gates: AND Gate OR Gate XOR Gate NOT Gate … Continue reading

Logic Gates Diagrams

Learning Objectives In this post you will practise drawing logic gates diagrams using the following logic gates: AND Gate OR Gate XOR Gate NOT Gate First you will need to learn the shapes/symbols used to draw the four main logic … Continue reading

Design your own Logic Gates Circuits

In this blog post your will use our logic gates circuits simulator to create and test your own circuits. Circuit #1 Our first circuit will be based on the following Boolean Expression: Click on the above circuit to open it … Continue reading

Logic Gates Circuits in Cars

In this set of challenges you will design and test some logic gates circuits to control different automated features of a car including: Automatic Headlights System Interior Light System Automatic Windscreen Wipers System Did you like this challenge? Click on … Continue reading

Logic Gates Circuits used in a Theme Park

In this set of challenges, you will design and test some logic gates circuits to control different automated systems used to control the following rides of a Theme park: Ferris Wheel Drop Tower Roller Coaster Did you like this challenge? … Continue reading

LED Dice Logic Gates Diagrams

LED Dice Our aim is to create an LED Dice using a breadboard and 7 LEDs disposed as follows: We will then use three buttons/switches to control the 7 LEDs of the dice to recreate the following patterns: Octal Number … Continue reading

Binary Logic Activities

Access a range of activities about binary logic, logic gates, truth tables and Karnaugh maps … Continue reading

Further Reading…

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